A new cross-validation technique to evaluate quality of recommender systems
Ignatov, Dmitry I. ; Poelmans, Jonas ; Dedene, Guido ; Viaene, Stijn
Ignatov, Dmitry I.
Poelmans, Jonas
Dedene, Guido
Viaene, Stijn
Publication Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Year
Perception and machine intelligence. PerMIn 2012. Lecture notes in Computer Science
Publication Volume
Publication Issue
Publication Begin page
Publication End page
Publication Number of pages
The topic of recommender systems is rapidly gaining interest in the user-behaviour modeling research domain. Over the years, various recommender algorithms based on different mathematical models have been introduced in the literature. Researchers interested in proposing a new recommender model or modifying an existing algorithm should take into account a variety of key performance indicators, such as execution time, recall and precision. Till date and to the best of our knowledge, no general cross-validation scheme to evaluate the performance of recommender algorithms has been developed. To fill this gap we propose an extension of conventional cross-validation. Besides splitting the initial data into training and test subsets, we also split the attribute description of the dataset into a hidden and visible part. We then discuss how such a splitting scheme can be applied in practice. Empirical validation is performed on traditional user-based and item-based recommender algorithms which were applied to the MovieLens dataset.
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Recommender Systems, Quality of Recommendations, User-behavior Modeling, Applied Combinatorics