Creating the future with all finance and financial conglomerates
Van den Berghe, Lutgart ; Verweire, Kurt
Van den Berghe, Lutgart
Verweire, Kurt
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Creating the Future with All Finance and Financial Conglomerates provides an academic search for an understanding of all finance and financial conglomerates. It presents a strategic and economic analysis of the diversification strategies and the growing interface between different types of financial firms. On the basic of a solid analysis of theoretical fundaments and practical value the book develops basic concepts of creating the future, especially the solutions in managing risks and the fresh ideas for the development of integrated financial services. The structure of the book is logical: starting on theoretical fundaments (section , part A) and examining the economic value of All Finance and Financial Conglomerates (part B) leads to creating a concept for the future (part C). Case studies add additional practical value to this research. The review of the subject is completed by aspects of risk management in this sector and by political guidelines for the EU-single market (section 2). The book builds further on professor Van den Berghe's first publication, entitled Financial Conglomerates - New rules for new Players (published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in October 1995) and broadens the scope in the direction of strategic and managerial aspects.
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Financial Services & Insurance