Meuleman, MiguelVerweire, KurtCarrick, Anne-Marie2024-06-032024-06-032024 case describes how House of HR, an international HR services group, dealt with turbulence in the European human resource and employment services market. This case study shows how established firms can respond to such turbulence by building a new business model outside their core market. It shows the challenges during the various phases of the creation of this new business model - from the idea's inception of the idea to the formation of the new team, and then to the launch of the new concept, the scaling of the venture and the international expansion phase. Although the new venture has experienced a healthy start and has been very successful since then, significant questions remain. One of those questions is how much freedom to give to the new unit and how to shape the growth path of the new business.enStrategy in Turbulent TimesBusiness Model InnovationDisruptionStrategic InnovationAmbidexterityExploration and ExploitationCorporate InnovationGetting the job done: Nowjobs an industry disruptor324-0122-15826635930