Vanhoucke, Mario2017-12-022017-12-022002, time-switch constraints have been introduced in literature by Yang and Chen (2000). Basically, these constraints impose a specified starting time on the project activities and force them to be inactive during specified time periods. This type of constraints have been incorporated into the well-known discrete time/cost trade-off problem in order to cope with day, night and weekend shifts. In this paper, we propose a new branch-and-bound algorithm which outperforms the previous one by Vanhoucke et al. (2002a). The procedure makes use of a lower bound calculation for the discrete time/cost trade-off problem (without time-switch constraints). The procedure has been coded in Visual C++, version 6.0 under Windows 2000 and has been validated on a randomly generated problem set. Keywords: Project Management, CPM, Time/cost trade-off problem, Time-switch constraints.enProgramme & Portfolio ManagementNew computational results for the discrete time/cost trade-off problem with time-switch constraints58614853