Patient, DavidCojuharenco, IrinaFortin, MarionCropanzano, RussellAmbrose, Maureen2020-06-022020-06-022015978019998141010.1093/oxfordhb/9780199981410.013.14 chapter reviews research and theory pertaining to the effect of temporal characteristics of events on perceptions of and reactions to organizational justice. In order to set the context for empirical findings, we first review dynamic aspects of classical and more recent justice theories. We then review findings on several temporal aspects of justice events, including dynamic features (timing, duration of event, and frequency) and temporal perspective (distance, orientation, and scale). Maintaining our focus on specific events, we conclude the chapter by proposing theoretical and empirical avenues for including time in future investigation of organizational justice.enOrganizational JusticeFairnessTimeTemporalDynamicThe “When” of justice events and why it mattersHandbook of Justice in Work Organizations276185