Buelens, MarcVan De Woestyne, MiekeMestdagh, StevenBouckenooghe, Dave2017-12-022017-12-022007http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12127/2273This study provides insight into the dominant methodological practices that have shaped the field of negotiation over the past four decades, and sheds light on possible gaps and trade-offs. We content analyzed 941 peer reviewed negotiation articles (published between 1965-2004) for methodology. We distinguished key issues in negotiation research and identified methodological trends over time (1965-2004). The results reveal significant changes in reliability, validity and triangulation issues. In addition, the rise of multivariate statistics and multiple data-sources displays a positive evolution towards more sophisticated methodologies. However, more attention is needed to address the enduring lack of longitudinal designs and qualitative techniques in negotiation research. Keywords: negotiation, research methodology, review, validity, triangulationenPeople Management & LeadershipNegotiationResearch MethodologyReviewReviewTriangulationResearch methods in negotiation: 1965-2004687523584151269894132541