Isik, ÖyküJones, MarySidorova, Anna2017-12-022017-12-0220121055-615X10.1002/isaf.329 intelligence (BI) has become the top priority for many organizations who have implemented BI solutions to improve their decision-making process. Yet, not all BI initiatives have fulfilled the expectations. We suggest that one of the reasons for failure is the lack of an understanding of the critical factors that define the success of BI applications, and that BI capabilities are among those critical factors. We present findings from a survey of 116 BI professionals that provides a snapshot of user satisfaction with various BI capabilities and the relationship between these capabilities and user satisfaction with BI. Our findings suggest that users are generally satisfied with BI overall and with BI capabilities. However, the BI capabilities with which they are most satisfied are not necessarily the ones that are the most strongly related to BI success. Of the five capabilities that were the most highly correlated with overall satisfaction with BI, only one was specifically related to data. Another interesting finding implies that, although users are not highly satisfied with the level of interaction of BI with other systems, this capability is highly correlated with BI success. Implications of these findings for the successful use and management of BI are discussed. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.enICT ManagementBusiness Process ManagementBusiness Intelligence (BI) Success and the role of BI capabilitiesIntelligent systems in accounting, finance and management1099-11741334161551161411225362