Hacklin, FredrikKlang, DavidBaschera, PiusDiehl, SandraKarmasin, Matthias2019-04-222019-04-222013978364236162310.1007/978-3-642-36163-0_3http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12127/6216When technologies converge, entire industry sectors are likely to do the same. In order for such transitions to succeed, not only are novel products and services needed, so too is the design of appropriate business models. In this context, it is particularly important from a firm’s perspective to critically question any affiliation to a particular industry. Instead, the business model should become the focus of innovation activities. Using a structured approach, managers can analyze their existing business model with respect to a converging industry sector early on, in order to be able to adapt it well in time to newly emerging market conditions.enBusiness ModelIndustry SectorMusic IndustryTechnological ConvergenceBusiness LineMedia and convergence managementManaging the convergence of industries: Archetypes for successful business models222419