Piller, FrankWeller, ChristianKleer, RobinBrecher, Christian2018-02-162018-02-162014978331912303510.1007/978-3-319-12304-2http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12127/5919Technological innovation has frequently been shown to systematically change market structure and value creation. Additive manufacturing (AM), or, colloquially 3D printing, is such a disruptive technology (Berman 2012; Vance 2012). Economic analysis of AM still is scarce and has predominantly focused on production cost or other firm level aspects (e.g., Mellor et al. 2014; Petrovic et al. 2011; Ruffo and Hague 2007), but has neglected the study of AM on value creation and market structure. In this paper, we want to discuss the economic effects of AM on the locus of innovation and production. This is why we first review some current business models that successfully use AM as a source of value creation. Being a potential disruptive influence on market structures, we then discuss how AM may enable a more local production by users, supplementing the recent development of an upcoming infrastructure for innovating users and “Makers”.enTechnological InnovationHuman factors in Production TechnologyIndividualized ProductionIntegrative Production TechnologySelf-optimizing Production SystemsVirtual Production SystemBusiness models with additive manufacturing - Opportunities and challenges from the perspective of economics and managementAdvances in Production Technology. Lecture Notes in Production Engineering228947