Burgelman, JeroenVanhoucke, Mario2019-01-182019-01-1820190305-054810.1016/j.cor.2018.10.017http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12127/6124This paper analyses the project completion time distribution in a Markovian PERT network. Several techniques to obtain exact or numerical expressions for the project completion time distribution are evaluated, with the underlying assumption that the activity durations are exponentially distributed random variables. We show that some of the methods advocated in the project scheduling literature are unable to solve standard datasets from the literature. We propose a framework to analyse the applicability, accuracy and sensitivity of different methods to compute project makespan distributions. An alternative data generation process is proposed to benchmark the different methods and the influence of project dataset parameters on the obtained results is extensively assessed.enProject SchedulingPERT NetworksMarkov ChainsLinear AlgebraComputing project makespan distributions: Markovian PERT networks revisitedComputers and Operations Research58614