Vanhoucke, Mario2017-12-022017-12-022014 studies have shown that introducing active learning in the classroom results in a deeper learning experience and a better understanding. In this paper, it will be shown how Ghent University offers students a range of aca­demic possibilities in an active learning environment for a Project Management course designed for and taught to Business Engineering and Civil Engineering students. The aim of this paper is not to discuss the relevance and potential of new learning methods and techniques but rather to illustrate how the existing mix of Project Management tools and techniques used in the classroom can lead to an increased student participa­tion and a deeper reflection about the topics discussed. This paper is potentially interesting to instructors, professionals as well as students interested in the field of Project Management. It is an illustration on how a mix of exist­ing Project Management methodologies used in the classroom helps enhancing student learning and engagement, stimulating interaction between students and professionals as well as creating enthusiasm and passion for the Project Management discipline. A passion that the students might carry with them during their whole professional career.enOperations & Supply Chain ManagementTeaching Integrated Project Management and Control: Enhancing student learning and engagementJournal of Modern Project Management586146223