Ertürk, AlperVerbrigghe, JasmijnVan den Broeck, Herman2017-12-022017-12-022013 the importance of the extent to which supervisors and their subordinates agree in their assessment of supervisors' leadership, this study investigates the possible relationship between self-other agreement on supervisors' transformational leadership and subordinates' perceptions of supervisors' in-role and extra-role performance, through the mediating role of leader member exchange. Self-other agreement was conceptualized as the degree of congruence between supervisors' self-assessment and subordinates' assessment of supervisors' transformational leadership. Data were collected from 36 supervisors and 189 of their subordinates. Statistical analyses revealed that self-other agreement on vision and individual support are positively associated with subordinates' perception of leader member exchange, and in turn leader member fully mediates the relationship between self-other agreement and subordinates' perceptions regarding their supervisors' performance. Additionally, results from polynomial analyses indicate that subordinates' ratings of LMX would be higher for in-agreement/good and underestimator supervisors, and would be lower for in-agreement/poor and overestimator supervisors. Some managerial implications are also discussed.enPeople Management & LeadershipAn inquiry on the relationship between self-other agreement on supervisor's transformational leadership and subordinates' assessment of supervisor's performance138444359081373095456