van Burg, ElcoPodoynitsyna, KseniaBeck, LienLommelen, Tinne2024-03-212024-03-2120120737-678210.1111/j.1540-5885.2012.00976.x studies show that resource constraints have mixed effects on innovation and opportunity identification byentrepreneurs. Sometimes, resource constraints lead to identifying more opportunities, whereas in other cases, entre-preneurs see fewer opportunities. This study explores a new approach to reconcile this inconsistency. Using a sampleof 219 small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), we explore relationships between supply and demand constraints,on the one hand, and identifying supply and demand opportunities, on the other hand. The results show that supplyconstraints have a positive effect on identifying supply opportunities but a negative effect on identifying demandopportunities. Similarly, demand constraints have a positive effect on identifying demand opportunities but a negativeeffect on identifying supply opportunities. Thus, this study shows that resource constraints direct the entrepreneur’sattention toward opportunities inside the constrained domain rather than outside the constrained domain. An importantconsequence for theory is that a complete explanation of the mixed effects of resource constraints should considerdifferent types of resource constraints and different sources of opportunities simultaneously. For practicing entrepre-neurs, being aware of this mechanism can prevent missing out on promising opportunities outside the constraineddomains.enOpportunity IdentificationResource ContstraintsDirective deficiencies: How resource constraints direct opportunity identification in SMEsJournal of Product Innovation Management1540-5885313686