Evans, CarolCools, Eva2017-12-022017-12-022011http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12127/3997This special edition of Learning and Individual Differences focusing on “new directions with styles research” considers how we can effectively use enhanced understandings of cognitive and learning styles within educational practice to develop metacognitive and associated self-regulatory practice. The articles highlight developments within the styles field and in so doing, they specifically focus on (1) consolidating and advancing understandings of key style constructs and their relation with other individual learning difference variables; (2) identifying ways of developing valid, reliable, convenient, and integrated measures of style; and (3) the application of styles research to educational practice, including schools, higher education as well as workplace settings as integral elements of lifelong learning.enCognitive StylesApplying styles research to educational practiceLearning and Individual Differences487931162394619