Butler, Martin2023-11-022023-11-0220221740-289110.1504/IJPOM.2022.121548http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12127/7280The collective practices associated with project portfolio management (PPM) are described with different levels of detail in the academic literature. This study provided a consolidated set of PPM practices synthesised from existing PPM literature. A systematic review was followed by a thematic analysis to extract practice domains. The nine practice domains identified are presented together with the management roles associated with portfolio management that can be studied as antecedents of PPM effectiveness. The findings propose a comprehensive list of PPM practice domains, supported by tasks that define the domains as a guideline for practitioners and for future research.enProject Portfolio ManagementPPMSystematic Literature reviewStrategic Project AlignmentProject Management PracticesProject portfolio management practices: A theoretical base and practitioner guidelinesInternational. Journal of Project Organisation and Management1740-2905149670