Wauters, MathieuVanhoucke, Mario2017-12-022017-12-02201610.1177/875697281604700404http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12127/5493In this article, the Discrete Time/Cost Tradeoff Problem (DTCTP) is revisited in light of a student experiment. Two solution strategies are distilled from the data of 444 participants and are structured by means of five building blocks: focus, activity criticality, ranking, intensity, and action. The impact of complexity and uncertainty on the cost objective is quantified in a large computational experiment. Specific attention is allocated to the influence of the actual and perceived complexity and uncertainty and the cost repercussions when reality and perception do not coincide.enProject SchedulingGameSimulationComplexityUncertaintyA study on complexity and uncertainty perception and solution strategies for the time/cost trade-off problemProject Management Journal586141769976774