Vlerick Repository

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  • Publication
    How strategic is your sustainability strategy? Really?
    (Vlerick Business School, 2025) Fehre, Kerstin; Verweire, Kurt
    Sustainability has become an important topic on the strategic agenda of most firms. Business is facing great demands from all sorts of stakeholders today due to the world’s enormous societal challenges: climate change and its consequences (like water scarcity), social inequality and injustice, poverty, depletion of natural resources, to name just a few. And people are expecting businesses to play a bigger role in addressing these societal problems. Firms have responded by setting up numerous sustainability initiatives – often captured under the label of ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance). But for many firms, the journey towards becoming more sustainable is a tough one. Despite good intentions, the implementation of corporate sustainability programmes has been slow at best, and sloppy and ineffective at worst. We believe that a major reason firms struggle to transform towards sustainability is that these sustainability programmes are insufficiently embedded in the company’s core strategy. In this paper, we analyse why this is a problem and what managers can do about it. More specifically, we propose a new approach to managing your sustainability initiatives, one that is more grounded in strategy.
  • Publication
    Shaping the future of business sustainability: LDA topic modeling insights, definitions, and research agenda
    (Springer, 2025) Li, Lan; Lemke, Fred
    This article offers a comprehensive overview of Business Sustainability (BuS), and directly addresses the lack of consensus around this important concept. Through a mixed-methods approach, we conduct the first systematic literature review of BuS employing Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic modeling to uncover hidden thematic structures, Narrative Synthesis to refine and extend BuS definitions within different contexts, and the LDA-HSIM method to classify topics and design a new framework. We analyzed an extensive dataset comprising 92,311 articles sourced from 11,579 journal outlets. From this dataset, we identified 9,561 articles suitable for LDA topic modeling by applying funnel criteria, focusing on articles with clear theoretical underpinnings. A text extraction technique enabled us to identify and analyze theories used in BuS studies. This analysis revealed 150 underlying theories that advance the BuS concept across different research topics. The study contributes to BuS theory development with great potential to improve ethical decision-making by establishing meaningful, context-specific definitions and providing clear guidance for future researchers in selecting appropriate theoretical perspectives for their work. We identify research gaps, propose a prioritized research agenda focused on theory development, and formulate key implications for practitioners and policymakers. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of machine learning methods in conducting large-scale literature reviews to accelerate theoretical advancements and generate research agendas.
  • Publication
    Motion analysis in adult spinal deformity: A time-driven activity-based costing perspective
    (Elsevier Ireland Ltd., 2025) Jacobs, Karel; Severijns, Pieter; Overbergh, Thomas; Neyens, Celine; Cardoen, Brecht; Roodhooft, Filip; Moke, Lieven; Kesteloot, Katrien; Scheys, Lennart
    Background - A novel motion analysis (MA) protocol for patients with adult spinal deformity (ASD) was developed within University Hospitals Leuven, aiming for better functional outcomes by improved treatment planning and decision making. Research question - Can insights into the costs of a research-focused MA (RMA) protocol support the transition to a concise clinical MA (CMA) protocol and facilitate its potential adoption as standard clinical care? Methods - Time-driven activity-based costing (TD-ABC) was used to quantify the costs directly related to performing the MA protocol. Time durations were derived from observations and interviews and validated using time intervals retrospectively derived from previous motion analyses metadata. Costs were computed based on resource time usage and the per-minute cost of practical capacity. An expert panel then refined the RMA into a CMA protocol by excluding some trials, utilizing cost insights and insights in the potential clinical relevance of trials, including their discriminative abilities, their ability to highlight compensatory mechanisms and their standardization potential. The clinical costs of the CMA were then again calculated using the same methodology. Results - The average time to perform the RMA was 179.0 minutes and dropped to 130.9 minutes after the expert panel excluded 12 types of motion trials. The total cost of this new CMA was € 220.83. The largest cost component of the CMA was staff costs (68.1 %), followed by the cost of equipment (30.2 %). Significance - This study demonstrates how cost insights complement insights on clinical relevance when defining a motion analysis protocol for integration in standard clinical care. Future value- improvements to the protocol should also integrate insights on its impact on treatment outcome.
  • Publication
    2022 M&A monitor. Shedding light on M&A in Belgium
    (Vlerick Business School, 2022) Luypaert, Mathieu; Spolverato, Gianni
    In line with the international M&A market, Belgian acquisition activity recovered strongly in 2021, especially for large transactions and acquisitions by private equity players. The average price paid for a transaction is once again reaching a record high. ESG measures do not yet play a significant role in Belgium with regard to pricing or deal structure. And the high level of geopolitical uncertainty combined with inflation and disrupted supply chains make predictions for 2022 difficult. These are the main conclusions of the ninth edition of the M&A Monitor, an annual survey of just under 200 Belgian merger and acquisition specialists including corporate finance advisers, private equity investors, strategic advisers, bankers and lawyers. They represent all industries and transaction sizes. The survey asks about their experiences of the deals they were involved in during 2021 on the one hand, and their expectations for 2022 on the other.
  • Publication
    Rising star monitor. Forging a workforce for the future. Results 2022.
    (Vlerick Business School, 2022) Collewaert, Veroniek
    The seventh edition of the Rising Star Monitor by Vlerick Business School and Deloitte report provides a snapshot of the trends and challenges that young high-potential ventures in Belgium have to deal with today. The monitor shows that the competition for talent is fierce, with employees being considered the number one challenge to accelerate the business by 40% of high-potential ventures.