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  • Publication
    10 must sees in executive remuneration. Getting inspired by business practice
    (Vlerick Business School, 2022) Baeten, Xavier; Van Hove, Marthe
    Reporting on executive remuneration is proof of transparency and a key characteristic of good governance. Moreover, proxy advisors, and shareholders in general, strongly rely on the remuneration report for assessing the link between pay and performance, and in order to find out to what extent the executive remuneration policies also put the focus on sustainability and ESG performance. We also see an evolution towards broadening the scope of the remuneration report by providing information on the overall remuneration policy applied by the firm to all its employees. In some companies, the remuneration report also provides information on the topic of equal pay. Taking all this into account, it will be no surprise that firms are eager to learn from each other and to be informed about the latest evolutions and trends in executive remuneration reporting. Consequently, and as a follow-up to a previous white paper, ‘Executive Remuneration Reporting in Europe’, the Executive Remuneration Research Centre has selected 10 interesting practices related to the disclosure on executive rewards. In order to do this, we have focused on UK firms’ remuneration reports, as experience has taught us that the UK is a frontrunner in the field of executive reward disclosure. High-level company performance overview. Overview of the remuneration policy and its relationship to strategy. Brief overview of granted remuneration (Ex-ante) information on KPIs driving incentives and strategic logic (Ex post) information on realised performance and impact on incentives. Required shareholdings. Remuneration Committee activities during the financial year. Stakeholder engagement in executive remuneration. Compliance with applicable corporate governance code. Company-wide remuneration Framework.
  • Publication
    The future of the reward profession. More stakeholder-driven, more strategic and more digital
    (Vlerick Business School, 2022) Baeten, Xavier
    The workplace, the ways we work – and how professionals think and feel about employment – are changing. Rapidly advancing technology and data capabilities now mean that raditional business planning cycles can be irrelevant. To succeed, businesses need to be flexible, innovative, agile and sustainable. On top of this, lots of organistions are operating in a (very) tight labour market, providing them with the challenge of be(com)ing an attractive employer. On top of all this, the actions and impact of today’s businesses matter more than ever before. So organisations need to conduct themselves with integrity – and align their teams with a shared purpose.
  • Publication
    Dignity, face, and honor cultures: Implications for negotiation and conflict management
    (Edward Elgar) Aslani, Soroush; Ramirez-Marin, Jimena; Semnani-Azad, Zhaleh; Brett, Jeanne; Tinsley, Catherine
    Leading international scholars give insight into both the factors known to shape negotiation and the questions that we need to answer as we strive to deepen our understanding of the negotiation process. This Handbook provides analyses of the negotiation process from four distinct perspectives: negotiators’ cognition and emotion, social processes and social inferences, communication processes, and complex negotiations, covering trade, peace, environment, and crisis negotiations.
  • Publication
    Validación del Cuestionario de Conflicto Interpersonal en el Trabajo (CIT) en empleados españoles
    (Taylor & Francis, 2014) Benitez, Miriam; Leon-Perez, Jose; Ramirez-Marin, Jimena; Medina, Francisco
    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo la validación a la población española de un instrumento de medida de conflictos interpersonales en el trabajo (CIT) en sus dos dimensiones (conflicto de tareas vs. conflicto de relaciones). Para ello, realizamos dos tipos de análisis con una muestra de 209 trabajadores provenientes de diferentes organizaciones españolas. El objetivo del primero fue la confirmación de la estructura factorial del cuestionario (AFC) y la demostración de su fiabilidad. El objetivo del segundo fue demostrar la validez predictiva de ambas dimensiones. La versión en español de conflictos interpersonales en el trabajo (CIT) mostró niveles aceptables de consistencia interna. Los resultados mostraron un mejor ajuste del modelo ante la existencia de una estructura bifactorial (conflicto de tareas y conflicto de relaciones) frente a un modelo unifactorial (conflicto interpersonal general) siendo diferente la relación entre ambos tipos de conflictos y las variables consecuentes de bienestar psicológico y clima de apoyo, respectivamente. Estos hallazgos apoyan la validez de constructo y la fiabilidad de la versión en español de conflictos interpersonales en el trabajo (CIT) para evaluar los distintos tipos de conflictos en muestras de habla hispana.
  • Publication
    Cooperación Y Teoría Conductual De Juegos
    (2004) Ramirez-Marin, Jimena; García, Ingrid; Vázquez, Fernando