Fluvius drives towards sustainability: A case on rare earth elements (Ree) supply integrity
Andersen, Stephen ; Sandu, Georgiana ; Samii, Behzad
Andersen, Stephen
Sandu, Georgiana
Samii, Behzad
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As Supply Chain Manager at Fluvius, the Belgian distribution system operator, Gunther wants to formulate a plan that can generate incentives to move towards greater energy supply chain sustainability and resilience. The low-carbon energy transition relies on rare earth elements (REEs)-enabled technologies tainted by their harsh mining ecosystem effects and their Chinese policies dependence. Gunther, adopting a holistic approach, analyses the complexity of the global, green energy supply chain. What does a sustainable energy supply chain actually mean? How to create a cascade of sustainable practices that reaches first-tier suppliers? How to couple resilience and sustainability and contribute to sustainable development? This case is designed to be exposed in Business Administration, Energy Management, Supply Chain Management, Operations Management or Technology Management courses. The goal is to develop and practice skills in identifying trends and weaknesses in a dynamic supply chain and to formulate an action plan that can integrate sustainability and resilience across an organization's supply chain.
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Energy Transition, Renewable Energy Technology, Distribution System Operator, Supply Chain Sustainability, Sustainable Development Goals, Rare Earth Elements, Lifecycle Assessment